The beginning of the decade began with an unprecedented demand for a modern and easy-to-use online store solution and in the result we turned a great deal of our attention to the development of our own e-commerce platform. Our main product, Trader, is a great asset for our clients to keep the warehouse records in check, track sales, generate reports and do other essential things, and it is very important that the warehouse and customer database are integrated into the online store with all the information in one place.
The eTrader product, also known as eTrader 2.0, is our second version for the existing eTrader platform, which includes a number of improvements to meet all modern online store standards. Responsive design, multiple popular payment options (Paysera, PayPal, Klix), age verification and many more, which we will also tell you and present in more detail in future publications.
Our standard e-shop is an entry-level eTrader product that includes all the platform's necessary functions for a smooth user experience and is updated regularly based on user trends and requests. The web shop comes equipped with our default design which meets all the industry standards and supports most browsers available today.
Click here to view the demo version of our e-shop.
We also offer customized design solutions meaning the online store will be running on the Trader platform and will include all the functions of the eTrader, but the visual part of the page will be chosen and developed for the client.
Here are some published online stores running on the eTrader platform with their own design solution:
We will be happy to tell you more about the solution, both in person or remotely. See our contacts page to reach out to us!